You can upload revised files after you reject a proof. below are the necessary steps.
Step 1: Once you're logged in, go to My Account menu and select "Orders" from the drop down menu.
Step 2: On the My Account screen, find the order you want to upload revised art for and click on "View Details" link. This will take you to the Order Details page.
Step 3: On the Orders Detail page, click the "Order History" tab. This will take you to the order history page.
Step 4: On the Order History page, you can enter a comment (recommended) such as "This is the front" or "This is the back". You can only upload 1 file at a time. Once you have your files selected, you must click the submit button or your files will not be uploaded.
After your files have been submitted, a new proof with the revised file will be sent same day, late afternoon. if you need another proof sooner, please contact customer service.