
M-Th 9-6, Fri 9-5:30 800-669-5601

Original Design of postcard Plus Foil portion Plus Spot UV portion Equal Cinco de Mayo Party Invite

Print orders requesting Spot UV and/or Raised Foil will require special preparation for the application of the selected embellishment. Preparation of Spot UV and Raised Foil is very similar to preparation of a spot color print job. If you are familair with this process, then you know a lot of what you need to do.

Requirements & Recommendations:

• A spot color defined as "Varnish" is required for spot UV application. The color can be any color of your choice, most people just make it black.

• A spot color defined as "iFoil" is required for raised foil application. The color can be any color of your choice, most people just make it black.

Create Spot Color named VarnishCreate Spot Color named iFoil

• Any object set to Varnish or iFoil color must be set to overprint.

Overprint Fill dialog box Overprint Stroke dialog box

• It is best practice to create a layer for any object that will be spot UV coated. Call this layer "Varnish".

• It is best practice to create a layer for any object that will have raised foil applied. Call this layer "iFoil".

• It is strongly recommended that if a job is to have Spot UV AND Raised Foil applied, that the spot UV layer ((Varnish layer) is the top most layer.

Recommended Arrangement of Layers

♦ NOTE: It is not required to have both a Raised Foil Layer and a Spot UV layer if you are only ordering one type of embellishment.

♦ NOTE: The Spot UV / Varnish is transparent and will not block any text or graphic when applied. The Raised Foil is opaque and will cover everything below it.

♦ NOTE: If you're wondering why we recommend calling a layer iFoil instead of just Foil, it's because offers BOTH traditional Foil Stamping and Raised Foil - so to distinuish between the two, internally BCE refer to Foil Stamping as just Foil and Rasied Foil as iFoil.